"First Drink, 21 September 1939," based on one of my father's oft-told tales, in the inaugural number of New Verse Review.
"Newly Buried Grandmother Prepares to Enter the Spirit World," in the 2024 Winter Alumni Issue of Inscape Journal, edited and published by the MFA students at Brigham Young University. This poem is the concluding poem of my first book, The Burial of Anyce Shepherd (Main Street Rag, 2006). "Out of Nothing, Something," a sestina published in VoegelinView, the online arts and humanities journal of the Eric Voegelin Society. "Nephi on the Tower," a long poem based on Helaman chapters 7 - 10 in the Book of Mormon, has been published in the special long-poem issue of Irreantum. In the introduction to the issue, the editor wrote: "J.S. Absher’s anatomization and dramatization of a key moment in the Book of Mormon depend upon the full scope of modern poetics to transport readers into a scene that is at once past and present, thematically locked in time and linguistically timeless." "Clue of Home," Third Wednesday (on-line), 12 November 2021 “The Conversation of Matter,” Coastal Review, issue 3 “Ballade of the Top” and “Sheol,” Grand Little Things “Art,” Irreantum “Until You Come,” Dialogue 54 (Spring 2021:111-112) “Gentile Bellini, John the Baptist (Istanbul, 1479),” North Carolina Literary Review Online 2020 “The Creator Praises Birds,” BYU Studies Quarterly 58 (2): winner of 2018 Clinton F. Larson Poetry Contest “I Sing,” Third Wednesday 2019 “Mama Talks to Herself,” Postcard Poems and Prose “Biscuits,” North Carolina Literary Review Online 2015 “VP of Banking Hears the Green Noise of the World,” Anderbo |